söndag 13 mars 2011

Israel begravde terroroffer - palestinier hedrade självmordsterrorist

Medan man i Israel idag begravde offren för terrorattacken i Itamar hedrade en grupp palestinier från Abbas Fatahparti självmordsterroristen Dalal al-Mughrabi på ett torg uppkallat efter henne. Mughrabi var ledare för en busskapning 1978 där 38 israeler dödades.

Palestinians honor leader of 1978 terror attack

"We stand here in praise of our martyrs and in loyalty to all of the martyrs of the national movement," Fatah member Sabri Seidam said at the unveiling of a plaque showing Mughrabi cradling a rifle against a backdrop map of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The square was festooned with Palestinian flags.

Fogel family laid to rest: 'Keep building in their name'
Twenty-thousand people escorted the bodies of the five members of the Fogel family, killed over the weekend in a gruesome terror attack, as they were laid to rest Sunday afternoon in Jerusalem.Speakers at the service commented on the tragedy that took place and how it cannot break the spirit and determination of the Jewish people to settle and live on the land of Israel.

Palestinian Media Watch rapporterar att de palestinska myndigheternas TV för tre veckor sedan visade en video där en terrorist som mördade tre skolelever i Itamar 2002 hedrades.

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